1999, I had obtained a scanner. A sad, pitiful fax-machine scanner, in which you could only scan single sheets of paper. With a family Compaq computer with only 60gigs of space. What a time to be alive. But it was a scanner. I remember my dad telling me “I bought a new printer, and it has a scanner.” Delighted, finally. I can show my art to my online friends. I could, gasp. Build an art-site. And so my hellish journey into the online art community began. Both SWAT Kats and Wild ARMs impacted my earlier work at this time. As you can see.. Because everyone is a fucking cat. Hah.

Needless to say I had no clue what I was doing, but whatever I was doing. I was having fun.

2000 was eh, a year. For me. If you know. You know. I began developing the character known as Talathia in spring of 2000. And stumbled across Blue Submarine No.6 in November of that year. Which had a major influence on my work at that time. Later in the summer of 2001, I joined VCL. And kind of.. short of.. Understood anatomy thanks to figure drawing classes I took in High School.

I tried putting the work in some kind of 'order'.

1999 - 2000

